Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Training Gigi

If you haven't know, Gigi has spent most of her life training... be it agility, rally or just some tricks.  She loves it.  She loves the activity and especially loves the treats that goes with it.  And she is good at it too.  Since her retirement 2 or 3 years ago we haven't done much training at all.  However, about a month or 2 ago, I have been itching to train her again.  Mostly for fun.  But also for practicality.  Whenever we went to my parent's house she knows to go potty in the back yard.  I have somehow trained her to do that (yay.  and yes... you CAN train an old dog).  HOWEVER, whenever she needs to go out, she stands SILENTLY by the door and stare at the door.  Which is nice, but if you didn't pay attention and didn't know she wants out she goes wherever she wants.  LOL. It is not her faulty, she did ask to go out, just that we didn't see it.  So I decided to train her to use a table bell for asking out.